The Importance of Timing in the Brain

Dr. Kevin McGrew

For more than 30 years, neuroscientists have explored the role of timing in the brain for such things as speech perception (auditory processing), speech production (intelligible articulation), language, reading, attention, memory, cognitive processing speed, decision-making, behavior (impulse-control), and motor coordination. Over the past 10-15 years, they’ve turned their focus toward studying how deficient neural communication (impaired timing in the brain) contributes to various clinical disorders like Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Parkinson’s. “Timing in the brain” remains a very active area of research with new studies being published regularly.

The Importance of Timing in the Brain, Dr. Kevin McGrew

Peer-reviewed research supports the view that impaired timing in the brain contributes significantly to impairments in the above named skill areas. Research also supports the opinion that timing in the brain can be trained and improved through appropriate, targeted intervention.

The Power of Timing


In order for a child to have good self-control (i.e., behavior), the timing system in the brain must be operating normally. Faulty timing is at the heart of ADHD.

Brain Injury

If this “internal clock network” is out of sync due to developmental disorder (ADHD, Dyslexia) or injury (Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke), then the individual will be more prone to distraction and forgetting, being late, or appearing as though (s)he has difficulty remembering or following directions!!


Timing in the brain (or what scientists refer to as precisely timed neural transmissions or neural oscillations in and between brain regions) is critical for humans to be able to store and retrieve memories.


Individuals on the Autism Spectrum display a significant number of symptoms that show timing in the brain is severely disrupted, from difficulty with sleep to the brain’s ability to process information, to attention or the ability to switch from focusing on one thing to another.

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