Interactive Metronome
Interactive Metronome has gained national attention as a breakthrough intervention to help children and adults increase attention, concentration, motor control and language by challenging thinking and movement. The success of Interactive Metronome is so extensive because it measures and improves motor planning and sequencing which is a vital part of the central nervous system.
At Imagine Improvement we have seen first-hand how the IM can improve such a wide range of conditions. By addressing the root cause, deficient timing, our clients are able to experience calm and confidence in their everyday lives.
How Can it Help?
Because of the brain’s neuroplasticity — its ability to change — it is possible to “rewire” the brain to overcome learning disabilities and other processing disorders. Designed to help children and adults with developmental, learning and attention problems related to motor processing and sequencing challenges, IM training focuses on improving rhythm and timing, two critical factors in being able to plan and sequence your thoughts and actions.
People of all ages have turned to IM to help them overcome a wide range of impairments . Whether you are looking to help your child do better in school or improve your mother’s recovery from an injury, IM can help.
This brain fitness program can even help those just looking to get an edge in academics, the workplace, or athletics. Read more of our documented success stories below.
IM training is overseen by a certified professional and can be performed in both a clinical setting or in the comfort of your own home. Ask your Provider what kind of training is best to meet your needs.