Stroke Recovery featuring our client Brooke! Listen to Brooke’s story below and hear how she is using Interactive Metronome Therapy at home to strengthen and enhance her recovery from a stroke in 2018. She loves to walk her dog, bikes and go to the gym. Brooke continues to get stronger every day and speaks daily on Facebook and Instagram about her journey and encouraging other Stroke survivors to never give up.  Thank you Brooke for being an awesome client and an inspiration to us all! Interactive Metronome Therapy is helpful regardless of age. It will improve balance, motor coordination, stamina, working memory, speech and much more. The brain’s neuro- timing is shown to be deficient after a Stroke or Traumatic Brain Injury(TBI) but those damaged connections can be be overcome by the stronger remaining connections using the Interactive Metronome Therapy. IM training uses rhythm and timing in an engaging format helping the brain and the body work better together. At Imagine Improvement we are certified providers of the Interactive Metronome Therapy. We work alongside you either in-person or at home. The IM-Home unit is gaining popularity. It allows you to conduct training in the comfort of your home and at times suited to your schedule. After your initial assessment and training protocol in person, your Imagine Improvement provider helps you get set up at home then reviews and modifies your training plan based on your daily reports from the home sessions. This is a convenient way to add the powerful benefits of IM therapy to your weekly routine. The results speak for themselves! Call us for a free consultation and how you can begin training your brain today! or IMagine IMprovement for more information.