Interactive Metronome Therapy trains the brain!

Interactive Metronome Therapy increases brain connectivity helping children with many learning challenges. Studies show that just 20 sessions of IM increases a child’s reading and math skills by 1-2 grade levels. The rhythm and timing exercises increase focus and concentration.

Jodi Brown and Sally Ellis are your local educational specialists and certified providers. We can help your child with learning difficulties using Interactive Metronome Therapy.  We spend an hour with your child and use many techniques to enhance the body-brain connection. For example, crossing midline, sequencing, UNO board, color shape board, and flashcards challenge the client to keep time with the beat of the metronome while doing other activities.

Using several of these techniques, here are results from my latest 10 year old client.  Grandma and Mom are thrilled that after 30 sessions with us at IMagine IMprovement she danced in sync with her class during the May recital!  Her Grandpa and Dad are delighted that she can now dribble a basketball using either hand!  She gets her schoolwork done more quickly and the improvements academically has been considerable!  Also, she is better able to handle frustrating situations. The family is very pleased with the results of her IM therapy.

Homeschool Idaho Convention 2021

Did you see us at the Homeschool Idaho Convention this year? (see photo) We demonstrated the Interactive Metronome right there! Kids and adults had fun trying to” hit on the beat” but it wasn’t as easy as it looked! If you are looking for a way to improve those struggling with reading and math skills… look no further!  Interactive Metronome Therapy is the solution because it addresses the root cause of rhythm and timing in the brain.  We train the body and brain to communicate together, impacting academics in a positive way. Our passion is to Build Better Brains for success, at school, at home and at play.

Interactive Metronome Therapy Trains the Brain! Join us today by reaching out by phone, email or visiting us online.

AND…..we have a Summer Session Special that will save you $150 off 15 sessions.

Contact us Today! Summer is the perfect time to sign-up your child for this innovative and natural therapy.

We hope this IMproves your day!

Sally and Jodi