Oh my! Happy July!   from IMagineIMprovement!

Whoever knew that July is Anti-Boredom Month?!  We surely didn’t!  But it makes sense considering kids are out of school and likely looking for fun activities to alleviate the boredom :)!!

If you are a parent looking for ways to keep them occupied in ways that don’t involve screen time, we have some good old fashioned activities for you!  You will find below several games with all the instructions, that you might remember from your childhood.

These are games that help increase timing and rhythm in the brain!!  You know we are all about increasing timing and rhythm in the brain!! So enjoy these old fashioned games that we all used to play as kids and even teach your kids, students, or grandkids!

Hopscotch, Marbles, JacksJump rope games and jinglesFour Square-so many games that can improve timing and rhythm!

And remember those crazy clapping fast challenges:

Miss Mary Mack; Crushed Ice, Lemonade;  Bobo Ski Waten Taten,

Fun and silly challenges that do a world of good!  Who would have thought?

I have often wondered how much screen time has directly impacted issues like ADHD, academic performance,  anxiety, executive function, and even motor skills.   There are hard studies showing how improving rhythm and timing can help in several of these issues! So the least you can do is have some fun clapping, jumping, and being silly without the screen (well maybe to teach you the songs and actions)

And finally in the words of Dr. Nicole Beurkens: “It is not a parents job to entertain their child 100% of the time, especially when the child’s preferred activity (eg screen time) is not allowed.  If they choose to not engage in any of the available activity options, know that it is okay for them to choose to “do nothing” at times.  Remember, boredom is a necessary and healthy part  of developing proper problem solving skills and self-regulating behaviors.” So even if July is National Boredom Month, a bit of boredom is a good thing!!

Hoping this IMproves your day!

Jodi and Sally